Full-Service Contract Operations and Facility Management 解决方案

Knowledge and resources that help clients manage risk, 升级操作实践, 提前预防性维护, 提高服务, find and implement efficiencies that reduce cost of operations, 并最大化生产正常运行时间.

Woman in PPE surrounded by superimposed data

亚洲体育博彩平台的运营管理和设施服务(OMFS)业务提供全套定制操作, 供水和污水处理设施的维修和设施管理服务, 公共机构和私营企业. 我们带来了四十多年来成功运营和维护(O)的技能和能力&M)向全国客户配送. But as the industry’s only truly integrated O&M提供程序-具有操作, 规划, 设计, 施工服务和项目管理在一个屋檐下-雅各布斯不仅仅是一个运营商.

我们为客户提供每一项服务所需的技能、知识和资源. Our clients benefit from services built on dynamic partnerships that enable them to take advantage of advanced technologies and approaches, 管理和分担风险, save costs and optimize equipment and systems.

今天, we deliver safe and reliable operations, 每天为超过一千五百万人提供维修及设施管理服务.


  • 夕阳下的水处理池


    客户向雅各布斯寻求高级O&M方法和技术,部分原因是我们在行业中的地位. As one of the largest water and wastewater O&北美的M个服务提供商, 我们操作, maintain and manage water and wastewater facilities for cities, 县, service jurisdictions and industrial facilities.

  • Men in orange and white PPE perform road 构造ion


    We serve as the Public Works Department for numerous cities in the U.S. Staff help maintain key infrastructure for cities, including repairs and maintenance for roadways, 工程 expertise and 交通管理, 在其他服务中.

  • Aerial view of a highway separated by greenery


    运输 agencies select 亚洲体育博彩平台 to provide outsourced O&M服务, 雇用我们作为长期合作伙伴关系的代理机构的操作和维护部门.

  • Latina woman in a navy blouse sketches on a whiteboard


    New cities turn 对雅各布斯 to make the most of their one-time opportunity to start in a way that provides better services in a fiscally responsible manner. We have started up more new cities in the U.S. than any other firm in the last 20 years, 为一个或多个部门的外包业务采用公私合作模式.

  • Curved office building with many windoes shaded in multi-colored sky


    我们提供综合设施管理服务,提高设施的生命周期和性能输出. Services are provided on a scalable basis through trained staff who allow our clients to efficiently adapt to fluctuating business cycles.  

  • Man in navy suit touches the screen on an iPad

    Intelligent Asset and 设施管理

    No organization is better prepared to leverage new smart systems for real-time organizational decision making than the facilities department. 提供的数据改变了政府管理其仅次于人力的第二大投资的方式. Our intelligent facilities deliver a set of information-centric services that encompass both technology solutions and methodologies to 设计, 构造, manage and operate our clients’ infrastructure more efficiently, 同时提高他们的底线. 此外,智能系统允许资源的最佳利用,并有助于恢复.

  • Man in yellow PPE vest holds yellow work gloves and uses an iPad


    拥有全国经验丰富的专家, we leverage regional and corporate resources to support onsite staff. 工程师, 顾问和过程专家为项目提供输入——包括法规遵从性, 技术选择与实施, 项目管理和资产管理, among others — at no additional cost to our clients.

  • 1x1白色像素

亚洲体育博彩平台 offers a full suite of custom-tailored operations, 供水和污水处理设施的维修和设施管理服务, 公共机构和私营企业.



  • 与你的期望保持一致

    我们的客户寻求注重有效领导和协作的合作伙伴关系, 沟通和透明度, 以及对好公民的承诺. 我们以客户为中心,根据客户的需求提供创新的解决方案.


    我们保证报告的质量和操作完全符合环境法规. Our project teams maintain an outstanding record of performance with respect to regulatory 合规 as well as maintain relationships among regulatory agencies.

  • 访问O&M,工程和技术专家

    亚洲体育博彩平台是一家在效用优化和价值创造相结合的专业技术领域处于行业领先地位的公司, 工程, 建造及营运 talent under one roof. Our clients have access to 技术 experts who 分享 information, 资源和最佳实践, ultimately creating savings and efficiency.


    我们的客户寻求合同运营合作伙伴关系,以解决劳动力保留和劳动力老龄化问题. We invest in leader development programs, 招聘和保留, 通过包容性和多样性的努力,支持高绩效文化,为客户提供高成就的人才. 了解更多.

  • 城市项目的外部收入

    我们在帮助客户寻找州和联邦资金方面有着良好的记录. 我们对区域的了解, state and federal agencies allows us to assist cities to bring in grants and awards that fund additional or expanded services and projects and improve the return on investment.


    客户、员工和我们的社区都受益于我们行业领先的安全方法. 我们在总可记录事故率和旷工天数方面领先行业平均水平, 并提供强大的关怀文化,为每个人创造一个没有事故和伤害的环境.

  • 具有成本效益和量身定制的服务

    我们的解决方案经过校准,在客户的预算需求范围内满足预期的服务水平. 随着需求和优先事项的变化,我们可以灵活地满足需求并实现效率.

    Sustainable solutions for a better future

    项目推动持续改进,重点是减少或节省化学品, 能源, 燃料, 水的利用, 通过有效的工具和资源减少废物或排放. 这些资源是根据客户的特定价值和需求量身定制的.


    为客户服务不仅仅是解决技术问题和预算限制. Sometimes it’s about responding to unplanned events, 比如大洪水, 暴风雪或化学品泄漏. 我们的综合能力和大量资源使我们能够迅速动员和处理几乎任何紧急情况.




Let's see the impact we can create, together

We are always looking for talented people to join our team.

外部 看到我们的机会
  • 两名身穿黄色防护服和背心、头戴白色安全帽的妇女对着镜头微笑
  • 两名身穿黄色防护背心、头戴白色安全帽的男子在治疗中心
  • 身穿海军蓝防护服、头戴白色雅各布斯安全帽的黑人男子在绿色植物前摆姿势
  • 三名身穿黄色防护背心的男子在一辆白色的百年公共工程皮卡前摆姿势


  • 4.6 K


  • 15 M+


  • 99 %


  • 8.4 K

    miles of collection and distribution system operated and maintained

  • 1.3 B


  • 300 +


Our Operations and Maintenance 项目网站

U地图.S. 橙色圆点

Meet some of the team delivering innovative O&全国M服务

  • 格雷格•菲舍尔
    格雷格•菲舍尔, Vice President and Director of Design-Build and OMFS

    Greg担任设计-建造和OMFS的副总裁兼主管, having been with 亚洲体育博彩平台 for over 17 years. 他领导着2700多名员工,提供复杂的DB、设计-建造-运营、O&M, and facilities services projects throughout North America. His professional experience spans more than three decades, working in various roles managing 设计, 建造及营运公营及私营水务及污水处理设施.

  • 凯文·达尔
    凯文·达尔, East Region Operations Director

    Kevin has 25 years of experience in operations, 公共机构和工业废水处理系统的管理和工程. 如今,他负责东部地区的所有市政运营业务. 他的职责包括监督现有合同和安全方面的表现, 合规, 为50多个供水和污水处理设施运营提供财务和维护服务.

  • 保罗Rheault
    保罗Rheault, West Region Operations Director

    Paul在公共水务和污水处理方面有超过四十年的经验, 私营和军事部门. 他的广博知识和技能涵盖水务和公共工程&M, optimization, technology application and business development. He is currently responsible for client satisfaction, 营运及财务表现, 为40多个供水和污水处理设施运营和合作伙伴提供安全保障,为客户创造价值.

  • Jon Mantay, Vice President and Global Director of Operations
    Jon Mantay, Vice President and Global Director of Operations

    Jon拥有近25年的市级和县级高级地方政府管理经验, 包括公用事业, 公共工程, 社区发展, 市区重建, 市区重建区, 公园和娱乐场所等等. Plus more than a decade of private sector experience delivering exceptional services through public-private partnerships with local governments, state transportation agencies and private entities. 他继续执导, 计划和协调业务活动,确保政策和战略符合客户的期望.

  • 吉姆·古德,环境和工业用水运营总监

    With a background leading public and private sector utilities, 吉姆负责安全, 合规, 工业废水和水处理设施的财务和运营绩效. 这些范围从简单的地下水处理设施到为铁路等部门的客户提供服务的多屏障工艺, 药品, 食品加工及主要工业.

  • 约翰Rickermann
    约翰Rickermann, Managing Director of Technical Services Group

    John leads a team of 技术 experts who support full contract O&在200多个地点的M个项目,以及众多的咨询客户. 他的团队包括75多名来自各个技术领域的全球专家,他们提供高价值的服务, 以运营为中心的方法为市政和工业客户解决挑战.

  • Jeff Heroux, Director of 环境al Compliance
    Jeff Heroux, Director of 环境al Compliance

    Jeff has more than 30 years of environmental regulatory experience. As the director of the Compliance and Reporting group, he manages a team of regulatory specialists located throughout the U.S. and is responsible for ensuring 合规 with environmental regulations at 亚洲体育博彩平台-operated drinking water and wastewater treatment facilities. His team performs comprehensive onsite 合规 audits, 制定和提供监管培训计划,并为处理设施经理和员工提供直接支持.

  • Lynette Baker, Director of Resource Planning
    Lynette Baker, Director of Resource Planning

    作为一名训练有素的环境科学家,他有各种各样的背景,包括在交通运输方面的工作, 城市政府, 节约用水及其他, Lynette brings more than 25 years of success to her role. 她目前支持OMFS内部的可持续发展,以确保人才发展和职业支持. She works with leadership to create long-term staffing plans, 促进包容性和多样性, and assess and optimize people management systems.

  • 德鲁·米尔斯,生物固体专家

    德鲁在美国各个地区拥有超过20年的剩余管理经验.S. 对雅各布斯. He works with global projects on residuals management, 包括脱水, 处置和采取操作方法,以提供最佳管理实践和最低成本的替代方案.

  • Deyanna Respress, Geographic Operations Director
    Deyanna Respress, Geographic Operations Director

    Deyanna is a seasoned director of 外部 affairs with over 10 years of strategic 规划 relationship management experience. 她负责监督我们的市政城市服务组合,并负责员工和客户满意度, performance and people and resource management, 除此之外.

  • 迈克·沃纳,P.E. 交通项目主管
    迈克·沃纳,P.E. 交通项目主管

    Mike has over 29 years of experience in the 运输啊&M工业. 他的经历包括道路O&M, contract maintenance programs and traffic operations/ITS O&M, as well as incident management program oversight. Most recently Mike spent 15 year as the program director for O&M General Consultant Program with Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise.
